Career Dreams Do Come True

brisAs an undergrad, I never really felt much pride for my school.  With plans to attend college on the east coast, staying in my hometown couldn’t have been more unexpected and while I know now that it was the right decision for me (it enabled me to study abroad in Norway, volunteer in Africa and graduate early), at the time I felt a bit like a misfit.

My experience at the University of Bristol, where I earned my MA in English, couldn’t have been more different. I found a lovely group of friends right away, fell in love with the city of Bristol and loved (almost) every one of my classes. Since graduating in 2012, I’ve enjoyed keeping up to date with Bris and these recent interviews from Bristol alum, who are now world-class journalists, really struck me. I wrote for Epigram, the student newspaper, while at Bris and long considered a career in journalism, and while I’m still sorting out my real interests and skills, writing has remained at the top for me.

Not only is it encouraging to read about people who are fulfilling their career ambitions, which often feels  impossible in today’s market, but their passion for their respective fields is palpable. It made me pause and consider if I’m on the right career-path and what I hope to be doing in five, ten years from now.

Are you happy where you’re at career-wise? Any advice for pursuing job success in today’s tough climate?

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