How Do You Unwind?


One of my favorite ways of getting through the work-week is planning an honorary ‘do nothing night.’ While these nights don’t happen nearly as often as I like, I’m learning that avoiding my to-do list and turning off my phone—for at least one night a week— is truly necessary for my health.

Even though I have the luxury of being childfree at this time in my life, keeping one night a week  free is far from easy. There’s always some kind of errand to run be it picking up a wedding gift or groceries, let alone the pressure of getting to the gym, packing lunch for the next day, doing the dishes, laundry, taking Audrey out…I don’t know how you working Mommas do it!

So, when I do have a ‘forced free night,’ it’s truly a luxury. I might make a nice dinner (poached eggs on toast thank you), paint my nails and watch Foyle’s War or maybe just read in bed and turn in early. How do you unwind during the week? Do you ever schedule a massage? Get lost in a book? How do you prioritize this in light of other responsibilities?

Photo courtesy of Amidaala

Happy Friday

run largeWhile most runners and gym bunnies have spent this glorious summer in the great outdoors, hiking, training and yogaing, my routine has been a little more erratic over the last few weeks.  For this reason I didn’t partake in any of the Autumn’s half-marathons, triathlons or Tough Mudders.  However, something about the cooler weather makes me want to hop of bed and grab my running shoes.  I’m going to make the most of my weekend off to run around the beautiful Sussex countryside and take in the Autumn colours.  Wish me luck!

What will you be doing this weekend?  Here’s some ideas…

Check out the last Bridget Jones instalment, on sale this morning.

Make one of these super-duper healthy suppers.

If anything makes you sad about the cooler weather, the promise of Topshop’s cosy winter clothes and shoes is sure to bring a lift.

I’m going to have a long overdue haircut next week, what do you think to this cut and balayage colour?

Try these perfect Autumnal nails

Have a lovely weekend!

Ash and Em x x


Back to the drawing board: Stoptober

109616-maintainratio-w600xh0Apologies for my complete absence last week, readers.  After a hectic summer of work, festivals, commuting and, if I’m honest, too much fun and not enough sleep my batteries were finally depleted of energy and I had to take a break from life.  I was recommended by my osteopath, who’s more than a little unenthused with Western medicine, to take a more holistic view to my health for a month and see the results.

I have long been a fan of the Clean & Lean Lifestyle, promoted by Australian health guru James Duigan.  He recommends a diet full of fresh, ‘clean’ food, that and lots of green tea and yoga.  Over the summer I’ve had a fairly lax attitude to my health and so I’m using the excuse of it being being ‘Stoptober‘ this month in the UK to give up drinking and my occasional marlboro light (I know, I’m sorry) for four weeks, in the process improving my diet and going back to the gym, I’m in a perpetual love-triangle with that place and the pub.

Any advice and and support via comments will be gratefully received/needed.

Wish me luck, I’ll be cooking, yogaing and green-tea-drinking if you need me!

Ash x

Back to the drawing board: Stoptober

109616-maintainratio-w600xh0Apologies for my complete absence last week, readers.  After a hectic summer of work, festivals, commuting and, if I’m honest, too much fun and not enough sleep my batteries were finally depleted of energy and I had to take a break from life.  I was recommended by my osteopath, who’s more than a little unenthused with Western medicine, to take a more holistic view to my health for a month and see the results.

I have long been a fan of the Clean & Lean Lifestyle, promoted by Australian health guru James Duigan.  He recommends a diet full of fresh, ‘clean’ food, that and lots of green tea and yoga.  Over the summer I’ve had a fairly lax attitude to my health and so I’m using the excuse of it being being ‘Stoptober‘ this month in the UK to give up drinking and my occasional marlboro light (I know, I’m sorry) for four weeks, in the process improving my diet and going back to the gym, I’m in a perpetual love-triangle with that place and the pub.

Any advice and and support via comments will be gratefully received/needed.

Wish me luck, I’ll be cooking, yogaing and green-tea-drinking if you need me!

Ash x