Our Easter Celebrations

Hello, everyone! How was your Easter? Did you spend good time with family or friends?  B and I had a really fun Easter weekend in Fargo. Lots of delicious food and time with my favorite little people. The only downside was that the time just flew by! Even for being a three day weekend!

I’ll be following this post up with the usual Travel Mondays, but wanted to share a few photos from our Easter Sunday:

Post Easter-candy silliness (Gigi on the L, Nanie R)

Post Easter-candy silliness (Gigi on the L, Nanie R)

Even Winston got in on the Easter hunt goodies.

Even Winston got in on the Easter hunt goodies.

"Audrey, stop wunnin' away! You're too yiddle to pay by yoself."

“Audrey, stop wunnin’ away! You’re too yiddle to pay by yoself.”

Little Sophie was quite unprepared for keeping up with Jackson, Nanie and Gigi's egg hunting skills.

Little Sophie was quite unprepared for keeping up with Jackson, Nanie and Gigi’s egg hunting skills.

So much sunshine!

So much sunshine!

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He is risen!” Luke 24:5-6

Have a Lovely Easter Weekend

I honestly can’t stop looking at the clock. Although it’s only been a four day week (office is closed tomorrow!), it’s honestly felt like six and I’m so eager to head home tonight. Snow, long drive et all!


Easter egg hunt with Gigi and Nanie, circa 2010.

What are your plans for Easter? B and I are going out with my sis and bro-in-law on Good Friday and celebrating Easter Sunday over at my parents. I can’t remember the last three day weekend I spent at home, so it will be so nice.

I’ve stocked up on Cadbury’s and candies in honor of the big egg hunt on Sunday (I still can’t believe the girls are 6!), but have otherwise kept things really simple. However, it’s not too late to dye and decorate Easter eggs or prepare a special dessert.

Here are some Easter-related links for crafts + activities + desserts…

Darling Peeps cupcakes

The sweetest little Easter bunny cookies

A tasty idea for someone with a bit more time on their hands

The slighter healthier, but still delicious version of Paula Dean’s Gooey Butter Cake

How to dye Easter eggs without the mess

Easy sugar cookie fruit cups

How pretty are these glitterey Easter eggs?

Easter games from Martha Stewart

Have a wonderful holiday, everyone!

 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” -1 Peter 1:3

What Are Your V-Day Plans?

loveTomorrow (tomorrow!) B and I will at last be flying out of this icebox and heading west to the Sunshine State. Our trip to visit B’s brother in San Diego inadvertently fell over Valentine’s, and while it won’t exactly be a romantic getaway, I’m more than thrilled to be getting away. Maybe it’s because this will be one of the first Valentines B and I have celebrated together or because I’ve been dreaming up V-day getaways over on DreamPlanGo today, but I’m really feeling the *romance* this year.

With that, if you could go anywhere in the world with your amour this weekend, where would it be? My fourteen favorite destinations can be found here. X

Image courtesy of jump-thenfallintome.tumblr.com

Will You Be My Valentine?

Even in my single girl days, I always had a soft spot for Valentine’s Day. Growing up, my Mom always seemed to surprise my siblings and me with little gifts, and in my teenage years, my girlfriends and I would assemble to bash the world of men  over chocolate and more chocolate. These days, I’m the luckiest girl in the world to call B my Valentine, but sending my love to my friends, little sisters and nieces and nephews is equally as sweet.

If you’re in the mood to send out some love this February, here are a few of my favorite Valentine cards:

#1. Rifle Paper Co: their cards are always endearing without becoming cheesy.
vday#2: Zazzle has an excellent selection of vintage cards. How cute is this one?!vday1vday1peas#3. The Card Store has a number of fun ideas to personalize your cards. Perfect for those of us DIY adverse.vday

#4: Or keep things even simpler and send out a Valentine eCard? This one made me giggle. If you, unlike me, are a modern day Martha Stewart, these homemade cards are also pretty adorable.

Stay tuned for Valentine gift ideas! X

New Year, New Goals

2014We’re a week into 2014 already and before another day goes by, I want to commit my goals for the year on paper. 2013 was a very special year–one where I felt safe and really grounded–but I’m looking forward to all this new year holds. I’m ready for new adventures and new ideas and a year of new books. With that, I’m making a few resolutions to bring more joy and less worry into the new year:

1) Write More. Sitting down to write creatively for more than a few minutes has long alluded me, but I want to change this in 2014. My sister knowingly gave me Writing Down the Bones for Christmas and I’m learning again and again that, like brushing my teeth and doing the dishes, writing needs to be a non-negotiable in my life. I’ve already signed up for a creative writing class next month and I don’t even care if my writing is good or, more likely, terrible. I just want to write.

2) Stay present. I never use to be much of a worrier. I always did well in school, but in high school and college I was never too worked up about grades or my social life. When did this change? When did I become a chronic worrier and someone consistently racing ahead to tomorrow? This year, I want to be present and enjoy the small pleasures of each day.

3) Healthy as a lifestyle. Throughout this past year, my workout routine and healthy eating was largely in spurts and, without too much thought, I too often skipped the gym and ate a bit too much popcorn in front of the TV. This year, I want to focus on being healthy not to lose weight, but to simply feel better on a day to day basis. More vegetables, less sugar, more movement, less stagnation!

I am so incredibly blessed and want to keep living with gratitude. I want to let Brady know how incredible he is on a daily basis. I want to be content with the clothes I already have. I want to cook more in our tiny, cosy and perfect kitchen.

Have you made resolutions? What are you most looking forward to in the year ahead?

Have a great one everybody,
