Happy Friday


Audrey’s Halloween Costume. Needless to say, she thought she was terrifying.

Thank goodness it’s Friday, right? Even though it was a short week for me, I’m not complaining and I’m looking forward to catching up on life this weekend. Laundry is overflowing. Our apartment needs a’cleanin’. Audrey wants to go to the dog park. Beyond that, my family will be in town tomorrow for both of my brothers’ football game and I’m excited to finally watch Drew and Luke in action! On Sunday, my cousin and best friend will be visiting with her new husband. He’s English and I never tire of listening to his accent!

Can you believe November has begun? Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy the following tidbits…

For Jane Austen admirers

A thought provoking read on God

What a delightful idea for breakfast tomorrow

Easy fall decorating ideas

Tea is the new black?

18 things to get rid of right now

This woman has killer taste

Wouldn’t these brighten up your desk?

What to read this weekend

Just one more Halloween costume!