Making Guests Feel at Home

cosyWith Thanksgiving fast approaching and Christmas just around the corner, many of us will be hosting friends and family and I’ve been thinking a lot about how to make these special people feel at home when  away from home. I have the luxury of spending both holidays with my family this year and even though I won’t be hosting at our place, I hope to make everyone feel welcome and comfortable.

In our own apartment I’ve found that candles, cosy throws and a good playlist can help guests relax. If we’re hosting dinner or a brunch, I also try to have some quick bites on hand to ward off hunger pangs. It’s also critical, I think, for the apartment to be clean! Not only does this help me relax, but shows guests that their visit was important to me.

If guests are staying overnight, I give them a tour of our apartment, which takes all of ten seconds in our one bedroom, and give them fresh towels and linens. I’m sure to let them know how the shower works and also where snacks and coffee are kept. In the morning, I like to have a muffin mix on hand for an easy warm breakfast.

How do you make guests feel at home over the holidays? Are you hosting friends or family this year?

Photo courtesy of Stoves Online

Bring the Outdoors In

Now that the golden leaves have fallen and the trees stand bony and bare, I’ve found myself missing the green life of summer (and winter hasn’t even started!). While I, unfortunately, won’t be moving to California anytime soon, I will be bringing the green in.

Ikea has a fantastic selection of reasonably priced plants and cute pots and terrariums have been popping up everywhere from West Elm to Etsy. It’s also surprisingly easy to make your own terrarium.

Our living room and (tiny) kitchen has the most light in our apartment, so I might need to do a little rearranging to ensure these plants have the oxygen and light they need to stay alive (I may have a black thumb!). These photos have served as inspiration for me and I hope they may inspire you to bring fresh life into your space!







Images courtesy of Design Sponge, Ambling Emily Tumblr, DesignMom Style Motivation, Vi.sualize, Warby Parker Classic Trip



Happy Friday


Audrey’s Halloween Costume. Needless to say, she thought she was terrifying.

Thank goodness it’s Friday, right? Even though it was a short week for me, I’m not complaining and I’m looking forward to catching up on life this weekend. Laundry is overflowing. Our apartment needs a’cleanin’. Audrey wants to go to the dog park. Beyond that, my family will be in town tomorrow for both of my brothers’ football game and I’m excited to finally watch Drew and Luke in action! On Sunday, my cousin and best friend will be visiting with her new husband. He’s English and I never tire of listening to his accent!

Can you believe November has begun? Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy the following tidbits…

For Jane Austen admirers

A thought provoking read on God

What a delightful idea for breakfast tomorrow

Easy fall decorating ideas

Tea is the new black?

18 things to get rid of right now

This woman has killer taste

Wouldn’t these brighten up your desk?

What to read this weekend

Just one more Halloween costume!

Happy Friday


Did any of you get outside this morning? If the view outside your window was anything like mine, I bet you couldn’t help yourself.  The sunrise here in Minneapolis was extraordinary. As I took Audrey out for her morning walk, the sky was pink and yellow and the clouds seem to hover only a hundred yards above the sidewalk.

I’m very thankful for mornings like this one. I’m also grateful for a weekend escape.

After work this evening, a dear friend will be picking me up and we’re both abandoning our men for a long-overdue girls’ weekend.  All week my friends and I have much messaging about what we’re bringing to the cabin, and we’re not talking booze.

So far we’ve got: brownies, rhubarb crisp, stuff for s’mores, spinach and artichoke dip (provided by yours truly), muffins, a fall snack mix, pizza…ha! The best part is we’re generally very health-conscious.

I wish you all a fantastic weekend! If you’re in the mood to browse, you might enjoy the following…

A lost masterpiece is discovered

This looks so fresh and delish

2013’s Top European City (it’s really quite a shocker)

New Yorkers know how to dress

Pumpkin cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting? You had me at pumpkin!

Totally practicable and doable ideas for your nest

How to make the prettiest pastel frosting colors

This could be dangerous

Madewell is offering 30% off their new fall line today! Online only! Use the code “FALLFUN.”



Image courtesy of Danielle Yusko

Happy Friday

My older sis (to the right) leaves for Europe today and we'll be watching my now not so little brother's football game tomorrow. I'm the one making a face.:)

Excited to see my family this weekend! My older sis (to the right) leaves for Europe today and my little brother is now a senior in college! I’m the one making a face.:)

As always, I’m grateful it’s Friday and grateful for the long Labor Day weekend ahead. B and I are heading North (to Fargo, North Dakota, no less!) and look forward to packing in lots of family time.

Football season has begun on my side of the family and my little brother, a senior in high school, is starting this season. My oldest younger brother, a senior in college, has a scrimmage tomorrow morning and we’ll be there cheering him, too. And then, of course, we have nieces and an adorable nephew to see along with my baby sisters and other siblings…

How will you be celebrating the holiday weekend? If you like, take a few moments to enjoy the following links…

The world lost Poet Giant Seamus Heaney  this morning—listen to his dancing Irish lilt read his poem The Underground

This man runs without stopping (for three days and nights!)

Decorating ideas for small spaces

Your morning dose of Paris here

This cream cheese chicken chili will be delicious for fall

SJP looking fabulous (as usual)

Ten easy tips and tricks for looking better in photos

I’m out! Have a great one!